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How To Find Time When You Have None

If you live in the 21st century you probably feel overextended, and that there is never enough time.

You are not alone! In our evolutionary history we have been in a time of incredible individuation and so much is demanded from each one of us all the time. Not only are we expected to balance our work, social life and spiritual growth; we are also expected to know everything about our candidates to vote, be as environmentally conscious as possible, unlearn our conditioned selves to be the best possible version, heal our ancestral trauma, make sure our homes are clean, take bubble baths and so much more!

It can be overwhelming to keep up with just the minimum. I didn’t write this all to overwhelm you or to give you 20 more self care tips to try to squeeze in between lunch and a meeting. I am hoping to offer some ease and understanding about your busy life and mind.

The first step to finding more time, is knowing how to prioritize for each day.

Notice how you feel when you wake up.

Are you negative? Is your mind immediately running? Are you excited? Taking a moment to notice your internal and external landscapes from the first moment you feel awake can help you set up your day for balance.

1. If I wake up and notice that my mind is already running at full speed I will really make sure I give myself at least 5 minutes to meditate and quiet it down. Your mind could be the culprit of your stolen time. If we never give ourselves a mental break we may never notice the pockets of calm we could be enjoying.

2. If I wake up exhausted I am going to try to do a few stretches or maybe a little self massage before I get dressed. This could be as easy as some twists and leg stretches on your back in the bed. Offering your body some movement could be all it needs to help shake off some of the extra sleepies to help energize yourself for the day.

3. If I wake up negative I will take some time for a simple love and kindness meditation (meta meditation) offer a loved one, myself, a stranger and a larger group all my favorite affirmations and well wishes. This trains our brain to find some more compassion in moments of negativity and may be able to shine a new light on the day.

Our first moments of the day really do a lot to shape the rest.

In Ayurveda, waking up early and setting yourself up first is one of the most important gifts you can offer yourself.

If you feel like you never have enough time... see if you can find more, just for you, every morning. You may surprise yourself how easy it can be once your prioritize it.

An Ayurvedic holistic health counselor can help you find a personalized routine to optimize everyday. I create ideal full day plans that work with your schedule AND find time for balance, connection and self care. I know it can seem impossible, I used to think so myself. But, believe me, if you give it a try it can be transformational. Feel free to book a clarity call to ask how it all works!

Haylee Warner

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